Grounding the Fat Galaxy: Our Fat n' Proud Mission Statement

This blog is to document our journey down the path of body acceptance, no matter how our bodies may change. We hope to share that journey to help other people who may be struggling and to get advice from people who have been there. We hope to make this experience interactive, so please comment or send us things! We will always have awesome links at the side of our page. Please check those out!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fat Myth Monday: Getting Fat Is The WORST Thing That Can Happen To You

 This post was inspired by the following photo that the BB saw trending on Facebook: 


This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a photo like this, or heard this phrase before. People really do have a fear of getting fat. Here are some examples:

“When I go to that reunion, I want to be HOT. I don’t want to show up old and fat and embarrass myself.”

“What if I can’t lose my pregnancy weight?”

“I’ve got to lose some weight before I show up at that party with my ex!”

“Did you see so-and-so? They got so FAT! I feel better about myself now.”

And yes, those are all examples we have heard in REAL LIFE. So today we are busting the myth that getting fat is the end of the world, that it is something we should fear, and that it is something to be ashamed of.

That’s a lot to tackle.

First of all, we can start by saying that life doesn’t end when you’re fat, really. Obviously the BB and the WW wouldn’t have this blog if there weren’t challenges to being fat, but at the same time we are trying to dismantle the assumptions, stereotypes, and misinformation surrounding being fat and also celebrate fat culture.


This is actually an advantage to being fat. There is an entire community of other fat people that understand your chafing problems, your complete and total fat fabulousness, and your desire to be hugely awesome and beautiful in your skin.

That kind of support doesn’t exist everywhere.

Back to the my-life-is-over-because-I’m-fat complaint, though. The BB and the WW are living proof that life is not over when you are fat. If you gain weight you aren’t going to be less loved, you aren’t going to be unsuccessful, and you aren’t going to automatically become unhealthy. YOU HAVE A CHOICE IN THE PATH YOUR LIFE TAKES. If someone discriminates against you based on weight, be a fat activist. If someone refuses to love you based on weight, you don’t need that asshole in your life. If you take care of your body and are still fat, that doesn’t mean you are unhealthy.

There will always be someone who stands in the corner and says “Wow, she’s gotten fat.” But it’s your choice as to what you do with that insult. Stand up for yourself. Don’t surround yourself with that negativity. Be proud of who you are. Love your body at all stages.

The BB and the WW can tell you that in some ways, life started AFTER they got fat. What we mean by this is that being fat has taught us a lot about activism, marginalized groups, right and wrong, binaries, social constructs, a whole lot of theory and research, and some about life, too.

We’ve learned self-love WHILE being as fat as we ever have been. This is something we could never master when we were smaller. Ironic, huh?

We both have loving partners who love our bodies. (Throwback to our letters to our partners and a few sexy parts from the BB! haha)

We are both successful college graduates, going through exciting changes in our lives, and loving every moment of the job search.

We are both, if we do say so ourselves, articulate writers and activists who believe in the power of language. In fact, being fat has enhanced our understanding of A LOT of feminist issues and other areas of study we are interested in.

And, from you, our readers, we have discovered that we are people that have made a difference in others’ lives. We thank you for that.

Here’s the shocker: WE DID ALL OF THIS WHILE BEING FREAKIN’ FABULOUSLY FAT. We even did some of it BECAUSE we are fat.

So is going back to your high school reunion as a fatty the worst thing ever? No. If someone thinks it is, then don’t surround yourself with that type of person. Go home and read this blog and know that you are loved. Google fat activism and look at all of the body positive campaigns happening. Fatties are speaking up for themselves, and it is beautiful.

In addition: Our bodies undergo so much change in life. Pregnant women are a perfect example, because carrying a child changes the body. For all of you women worried about losing baby weight: don’t. For some of you, your body may be permanently altered. For others, you may go back to your original state, and still for others you may be even smaller post-pregnancy. It all depends on your unique body, and a number of biological factors. Don’t stress yourself out trying to attain something you may be biologically incapable of attaining. Love YOU and your body’s natural way.

Thinness and Fatness can both be fleeting, fluctuating, or permanent; love your body in all stages of life. If the BB and the WW are no longer fat someday, we will confidently be able to say that we loved our bodies when we were. We will still advocate for fat people. And we will never praise our bodies for being one size while damning them for being another.

See all that stuff we just wrote? THAT’S POST-FAT WRITING, RIGHT THERE. Our lives aren’t over. They are beginning and always changing. Being fat IS NOT the end.

Love your body, love yourselves.

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