Grounding the Fat Galaxy: Our Fat n' Proud Mission Statement

This blog is to document our journey down the path of body acceptance, no matter how our bodies may change. We hope to share that journey to help other people who may be struggling and to get advice from people who have been there. We hope to make this experience interactive, so please comment or send us things! We will always have awesome links at the side of our page. Please check those out!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Welcome Back to the New and Improved Gribbski Guide!

Hello lovely readers! Thank you for your patience as we re-design and improve Gribbski's Guide to the Fat Galaxy! Here are some updates on the changes we have made:

You will notice our new glass ceiling background and our new tagline. We are still all about fat activism and body positivity, but we are also focusing more on being fat and successful. We are determined to show our fat shaming culture how fat people are just as worthy, capable, and confident as everyone else!

Additionally, we have decided to make a promise to our readers for one new post per week. By posting once a week, the Bigger Blogger and the Wider Writer can make sure that the entry is of substance, that readers get a chance to read the post before a new one is made, and that readers participate more in the dialogue on this blog. We want your input, weekly, on this page, on our Facebook, and on our Twitter!

We are also expanding the types of posts you will see on the Guide. We will be doing creative posts, photo posts, more art and media, and reader submissions from people of all body types.

Lastly, at the end of all posts we will include a Body Positive Tip of the Week. This tip will give you something practical that you can do all week to be a body positive activist. Please tweet at us, email us, or comment with your #BoPotipoftheweek experiences.

For today's post, we would like to leave our readers with a creative piece written by the BB. This is meant to be read as a slam poem. Please feel free to comment or inquire about interpretations and reactions! Enjoy!

An Ode to the BoPo ‘FAd’

I’m a disease.
That’s what they tell me.
I infect our culture
with my flesh
and smother Others’ potential.

I’m a smoker.
My brand is not Lucky Strike, Marlboro, or
Virginia Slim
-because I’m NOT slim-
My brand is
Virginia Ham.

I suck them down
pound by pound
inhaling food
like nicotine cured tobacco.
My carcinogens
are in the grocery section.

I’m a bad habit,
a lifestyle choice.
I choose my addiction
from a catalogue of vices.
So many methods
of gradual suicide
 -the more suffering, the better-

I’m a burden.
The FOIL to sex appeal.
I make your healthcare go up
And your hard-on go down

I’m the fat clown
the punchline
the scapegoat
the bag of flesh---

You’ve made me less.

So easy for you
to reduce me
give me that recipe!
because for all my efforts
I can’t lessen my flesh.
The more I try, the more I stretch.

#BoPotipoftheweek: This week pick one thing about your body image that you struggle with. Make a conscious effort to think about this aspect of your body image each day, and attach the affirmation "this part of me is unconditionally beautiful" to each thought you have. Even if you catch yourself thinking badly of your body, repeat the above mantra. Positive affirmations become self-truths when you see yourself through unbiased eyes. 

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