Okay, lovely people! Here's what we want from YOU: send us your favorite/least favorite/most hilarious/seriously inspiring/enter category here New Year's Resolutions. Here's the "rules":
1) Resolution can be from past years or this year.
2) Resolution does not have to be weight-related, body-empowerment-related, or anything fat-related.
3) You are totally allowed to submit anonymously (i.e. send us an email) or publicly as a comment or on our facebook page.
4) If you're doing this on twitter (by the way, follow us on twitter @gribbskiguide), please don't forget to use#fatgalaxyresolutions or tweet it at us!
5) Invite your friends to follow our blog and to like/follow us on facebook and twitter.
6) Read our THEMED blog posts this week to get inspired for 2014! It is going to be a BIG (hahagetit?) year!
Okay, so the last two aren't rules. But what are rules if not suggestions for life? And we are full of those, so follow us.
Looking forward to seeing some resolutions!
Tips from the Fat Galaxy, assembled into a guidebook on breaking the Fat Glass Ceiling.
Grounding the Fat Galaxy: Our Fat n' Proud Mission Statement
This blog is to document our journey down the path of body acceptance, no matter how our bodies may change. We hope to share that journey to help other people who may be struggling and to get advice from people who have been there. We hope to make this experience interactive, so please comment or send us things! We will always have awesome links at the side of our page. Please check those out!
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