Grounding the Fat Galaxy: Our Fat n' Proud Mission Statement

This blog is to document our journey down the path of body acceptance, no matter how our bodies may change. We hope to share that journey to help other people who may be struggling and to get advice from people who have been there. We hope to make this experience interactive, so please comment or send us things! We will always have awesome links at the side of our page. Please check those out!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Dear Someone Sunday: A Love Letter to Twenty-Thirteen

Solo post from WW today as BB is experiencing an electrical crisis (power’s out).  In honor of today being the last Sunday of 2013, this week’s Dear Someone Sunday is addressed to (you guessed it!) 2013.

Dear Twenty-Thirteen,

Wow!  What a year!  (Isn’t that what I’m supposed to say?)

But really, you were a big year in my self-development.  I became immersed in the fantastic world of Doctor Who, endured the two most harrowing academic semesters of my life, had my Great Feminist Awakening, and started learning how to love my body.  Now, at the end of you, I’ve come out of it all with a healthier perspective on life, a bachelor’s degree, and a world of possibility, which seems like a pretty amazing way to start Twenty-Fourteen.

Let’s begin with my inDoctorination.  I started with Nine, as most people do.  Of course I keep intending to go back and check out One through Eight, but I haven’t had time what with Nine, Ten, Eleven, and excitingly, Twelve.  I won’t go crazy here with my love for a certain Gallifreyan, as this blog is dedicated to body empowerment rather than Time Lords, but wow.  There’s actually a lot of interesting thoughts I have about feminism and body empowerment within the DoctorWhoniverse, but perhaps another time.  Basically, I am now an addict and actually just finished the Christmas special and OHMYGODSOGOOD.

Moving on to heavier matters, I also fought my way through the last year of my undergraduate degree.  I started this year with sixty textbooks (YUP 60), twenty-one credit hours in upper-level English courses (YUP that’s seven courses), and a shitload of anxiety (funny side note: Microsoft word accepts shitload as a unit of measurement, but not fuckton).  After days and days of little or no sleep, spent mostly in the library, fueled only by coffee and yesterday’s toast (oh, and skittles – there was a ridiculous amount of skittles), I completed the semester from Hell and surprisingly, it was my best semester yet for my GPA.  I went on to complete my student teaching, which was really only “harrowing” because of it being my final semester before graduation and because it was the culmination of everything I’ve been working for.  No pressure.

During that first semester, the BB and I took a Feminist Theory class as a capstone course.  This was what I call The Great Feminist Awakening.  Before college, I had approximately the same idea of feminism as most people: feminists are extremist man-hating lesbians.  Okay, so I never really thought that.  But I knew that I was absolutely NOT a feminist.  Feminist was a dirty word.  Girl Power and all that bullshit.  In college, it evolved to: I’m not really like a hardcore feminist.  In reality, I was probably a feminist all along, but didn’t know what it was to be a feminist.  I had no idea how to identify that in myself.  This class brought that out in me.  Now I am a proud, self-proclaimed feminist, and I also happen to not be an extremist man-hating lesbian.  Yay me.

And finally, Twenty-Thirteen, you gave me the valuable gift of time and experience to start loving my body.  I have been “struggling with my weight” since I hit puberty, and out of all those years between then and now, this is the most successful year I’ve had.  I no longer “struggle with my weight”; instead, I, in union with my body and my weight and my flaws and my beauty, struggle against a negative and unhealthy perspective of self.

That is power, and that is the power that you have helped me to achieve.  Thanks for being the most productive year in my life to date.  I hope Twenty-Fourteen is as nurturing as you!  Lastly, in the fashion of the world's farewell to the beautiful, amazing, quirky, relatable Matt Smith as Raggedy-Man Eleven, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING.

Much love,


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