Grounding the Fat Galaxy: Our Fat n' Proud Mission Statement

This blog is to document our journey down the path of body acceptance, no matter how our bodies may change. We hope to share that journey to help other people who may be struggling and to get advice from people who have been there. We hope to make this experience interactive, so please comment or send us things! We will always have awesome links at the side of our page. Please check those out!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Return to Writing...?

Hello, all.  WW here.  After a very long silence, I am writing to you to do three things:

1.  Apologize for not writing in forever.
2.  Take it back because I shouldn't start everything with "sorry" and also I shouldn't apologize for my beautiful life getting in the way.
3.  Announce a return to writing, but this time, I'm not making any serious blog promises because I've done that before and we all know how that turned out.

I still firmly believe that I have one of the most amazing jobs in the world.  What is better than helping kids love themselves after a lifetime of telling themselves not to?  But my amazing job also has quite the toll on me: After working about 65 hour (including my daily two hour commute because the commute is tiring, too) weeks the last 4 out of 5 weeks, I'm pretty much a thin wastrel of a compassionate person...emotionally, of course.  I think that at this point, if someone other than my kids tries to tell me their problems, I might yell unreasonably or burst into tears.  Self-care is so important, and that is coming.  The BB and I are having a reunion soon, and you can bet there will be a post.

Mostly I wanted to write because I am trying to get back into writing.  When my students are mad or upset, the first thing I offer them (besides a safe-touch side hug) is a piece of paper and a pencil/marker/crayon and I tell them to get it all out on paper.  The absolutely 100% true fact that writing is cathartic is something I've known since I was little.  Writing has always been my #1 way of communicating.  I do it so much better than talking (but now with this awesome job, I'm getting better at the talking thing).  I remember writing to my parents anytime I wanted to discuss something because without fail, I would always burst into tears during a conversation because I couldn't handle myself verbally.  But anyway, I've been feeling pretty lifeless outside of work, so I think that this is something that will bring me back to me.

My only problem lately is finding something long enough to commit myself to.  Right now I just have these snippets when I'm feeling creative, which happens more when I'm not working like a madman.  I'm thinking about starting a side blog for these snippets so I don't keep taking this more specific one for my less specific needs.  I mean, I guess I could just have a diary, but where's the fun in that?

Anyway, check back after next weekend...The BB and I might be doing some awesome BoPo stuff while we're together!  But we also might just be watching The Office and taking care of ourselves, because we both need it.  Either way, this blog is still alive and important to us...but sometimes there are other things that are also important, and that's okay.


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